¡We already have winning Houses!
This year, as a new feature, we will have the “House System “ at School. It is a traditional characteristic of British schools. Historically “House” comes from the dormitory or boarding house of British boarding schools. As a way of improving coexistence of pupils at school there was a need to organize games, sports and cultural activities within the School, encouraging companionship, respect and the union of a group of pupils in the same team.
The whole student body will be divided into four houses, which will identify them throughout their school life. Daily work, as regards education, physical training and social behaviour will be encouraged through the houses. It is an ideal opportunity to achieve goals such as conmpanionship, unión between pupils of different ages and the development of healthy competitiveness, apart from contributing to a sense of belonging and loyalty, factors which will influence our students in a positive way, increasing their committment.
Now you know a little about the “House System” we would like to tell you about the winning proposal.
As we have told you before, pupils from 3rd year Primary to 2nd year Bacclaureate have worked in teams to propose houses and their emblems. Groups of four students presented four names and their corresponding emblems. After a selection process by both school staff and the pupils themselves we have the winning proposal.
Soon we will know which House each student belongs to.
Congratulations to those pupils who designed the winning houses!!