Meeting with Street Child United
Yesterday we had the fantastic opportunity to be visited by a member of Street Child United who told us about the work they do and how we help by collaborating with their projects. They
also came with Jasmin, a very special person.
For those who don´t know about SCU we will tell you a Little more. It is a charity organization in the United Kingdom which uses the power of sport, through international sports events, to change the negative conceptions and treatment given to children who live in the street and also improve their living conditions. From our global educational group International Schools Partnership we collaborate with this organization. Last year our School began to collaborate with them with the “ ISP Schools Challenge around the world”.
Yesterday we were really lucky to be able to hear Jasmin Akter´s testimony first hand. She has recently ben chosen by the BBC to form part of a list which represents the 100 most inspiring and influential Women throughout the world in 2019. You can imagine the enormous value of her testimony.
Jasmin comes from Myanmar (Birmania) and she was born in a refugee camp in Bangladesh just after the death of her father. After some very difficult years she came to the United Kingdom as a refugee, where thanks to sport she began to acquire rights forbidden to her in her own country, such as doing sport. She excelled at cricket from an early age and this is where her inspiring story started.
What she has achieved is worthy of admiration and yesterday she was very inspiring for our students. How to fight against adversity, how to overcome the obstacles in life, how to learn how to value everything we have and how iimportant it is for children not only to have rights but for them to be fulfilled. Together we can help this to happen. A little grain of sand from each one can make mountains and working as a team will always help us to carry on.
Apart from listening to her testimony first hand and asking questions, some year goups were able to enjoy a cricket workshop when they learned about this sport form Jasmin and her helpers.
Thanks to International Schools Partnership`for giving us this great opportunity and to Street Child United for working so enthusiastically towards helping these children and providing us with such worthwhile testimonies.
We leave you with the link to Street Child United Organization.