LAUDE El Altillo has several experience projects under way to complete this aspect of students’ education, including:
The ALT TV Club, for students to experience the process of writing, editing and producing a television programme.
Poetry Club, where we are preparing a poetry recital for Book Day.
The Programming Club, to expand students’ knowledge of Scratch and Python.
The Digital Journalism Club, which publishes our Digital Times – a platform for students to inform the school community about the main projects and activities taking place. They also practice communication and expression and the ability to work in a team.
The target of the Theatre Workshop is to combine acting with physical movement, while also highlighting the importance of working in a group.
The Art Workshop offers students the tools and space they need to explore other forms of expression, give form to their emotions and discover different outlooks on the world.
Business and Technology Programmes
The idea behind these clubs is to shape and offer added value to what our students learn, motivating them more each day.