Coralson 2019
The Passion for Music Association introduced the “Cantania” project into Andalusia in 2012. This project originates from L`Auditori of Barcelona, and promotes the choral participation of thousands of schoolchildren in concerts throughout Spain and Europe. Over the years Cantania has grown with great success in Andalusia until this year , for the first time, the production has been entrusted to prestigious andalusian authors and composers. This is why the project changed its name to “Coralsón” and is developed 100% in Andalusia.
Coralsón is a collaborative short musical work for schoolchildren aimed at pupils from 10 to 13 years old. Throughout the academic year pupils rehearse parts of the production, singing, preparing choreographies and props with help from teachers in the classroom. Finally all the boys and girls sing at a great concert accompanied by 10 professional artists, an orchestra composed of 8 musicians and two singers and conducted by a prestigious musical director.
The name Coralsón comes from “Coral” (Choral) and “Corazón” (Heart), as the main aim of the project is social transformation from within and from the heart of society, our children. Taking part in the musical awakens new feelings and interests in the children which improve their self-esteem, their behaviour in the classroom, in teamwork. They improve their diction, widen their vocabulary, use their memory, and get used to expressing themselves in public without embarassment… On the whole it has a great impact on each one of them. Pupils, staff and finally the public feel important and respected as the whole process and final performance is of high standard.
Friday 21st was our pupils´turn, and they felt like real artists taking part in a fantastic show full of magic and music. Going on stage surrounded by professionals and backed by their teachers is an unforgettable experience, as well as influencing their growth as individuals and as a group.